Thursday, November 3, 2011

A week's break from performing comedy and some awesome photos

The open mic was cancelled for this week - sorta glad because it allows me more time to write more comedy stuff and memorize it for next Wed open mic at the Dragon Upstairs. Sometimes it's good to rewrite, rethink and retool to make things funnier and better than ever before, stay tuned! I also did an exciting interview for the Comic Bible Magazine, which will be published soon, excited to be in a national comedy magazine!  Also I got some details together for the first physical meeting of my Facebook group, "Female Comics of Hawaii". Our first meeting (female comics only!) will be on Nov. 20th at the Hau Tree Lanai Restaurant at 11 am. We plan to talk about comedy, help each other out with writing jokes and thinking up great ideas for premises. Oh, and did I mention that mimosas will be involved? Bwahahahaha!
Also, I found these three shots from the Friday two weeks ago when we watched an awesome sunset at Kaimana Beach, and they were too good not to publish~ ALOHA!


  1. Life is good for you in Hawaii:) I dreamed last night that I was going to Hawaii. Now to must make it come to reality!

  2. Yay - Make it happen!~ we'll give you an awesome tour, hotel prices and food are cheap - just the airfare is expensive, aloha ;)
